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"Well, the food can only last for a day and a half now. If the other party doesn’t come out and lie in wait there all the time, it’s impossible to get there with our strength. If we wait any longer, it will be difficult for us to go back without food. After all, there are still a few days to go."

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"Maybe I should learn from Liu Biao and go to Nanyang lightly." Zhang Ning immediately stopped. "Absolutely not, it’s too dangerous. Nanyang can almost be said to be […]


Spread out the search! Atlas finally reached the order, and the remaining 23 mecha were quickly divided into two groups. Except for the strongest Atlas, which formed a double group with a patrolman, the other seven groups were the same as before: one patrolman and two arbitrators.

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Each team quickly rushed from the center to their respective responsible areas. In this way, the aircraft configuration can find the enemy’s tracks, and if the enemy does […]